Ever since the term “renaissance “ was first coined in the mid 19th century, it has been given to any historical period of time that shows an overflowing of artistic expression or of revival or renewal. It is also used to define periods of time that can also be called the “golden ages” or a kind of both wish or wish fulfillment. In this class we will begin by discussing the term, it’s origins and it ’s myriad of meanings. Does it always mean a revival of Classical imagery? As we focus on the Italian Renaissance of the 14th-16th centuries, what were the factors that helped create and shape this period. As we carefully study the artistic expression, how did this aesthetic define Western art for several centuries and who were the towering figures that have become synonymous for great artists. We will also examine what led to its demise, not just in art, and in doing so question if we are living in a renaissance today or are we in a period of "Dark Ages" that will proceed another burst of creative revival.