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#2959 Alexander the Great: Opening the door between East and West

ID : 1584   
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Alexander of Macedon is arguably history’s most influential person and perhaps its most charismatic character. Launched by an extraordinary king and a powerful sorceress mother, with Aristotle as personal tutor, he conquered the known world and beyond while still in his twenties. We’ll follow his meteoric rise and his blazing footsteps. But more important than his exploits or charisma, he paved the road between West and East, planting Mediterranean culture in central Asia, while encouraging Asian influences to flood west. After him, a tapestry began weaving of threads of East and West so that neither ever would be the same again.

Class Details

6 Session(s)
Weekly - Wed

Sonoma State University

Douglas Kenning 



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Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
1/29/2025 - 3/5/2025 Weekly - Wed 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Rohnert Park, Sonoma State University  Map, Room: Stevenson 1300 - Hyflex* Douglas Kenning 

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